Membership Info
To hold a membership means to belong to an organization and to have made a decision to join and participate in its activities.
Being a member means to support and be supported by other members of the group; to give and to receive.
At the Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living
Our members join together in a loving, supportive environment to learn and practice the principles and teaching of Science of Mind. They join with like-minded individuals in groups and on special committees to share their talents and participate in the fellowship that results.
There is power in making the commitment to join the center, for in doing so you express the spiritual vision to attain unlimited growth and expansion in your own personal life. As you commit your energies to gain further knowledge and practice the teachings of Science of Mind, you cannot help but be empowered to transform your life.
Membership is open to all.
There are two paths to complete the membership process.
1. We offer membership classes twice a year, called Discovery Classes. In these classes you discover the basics, the surface understanding of Science of Mind and what the Centers for Spiritual Living are about.
2. Being a student of Science of Mind classes, which are in session from September through the following May, is an alternate option and provides the second path to membership.
For more information contact office@redondocsl.org