Community Outreach
We look forward to serving you.
Know that the love of God is blessing you now.
Mission Statement:
To outreach into the community delivering the highest level of personal and quality care and involvement and to create a compassionate environment incorporating the core belief that goodness is created by the spirit within.
Our Ministries:
If you need Spiritual Upliftment, call dial-a-prayer anytime of day for short prayer treatments from one of our Ministers. Messages are changed weekly. 310-540-5242
Healing Ministry
Prayer Treatment is the very heart of Science of Mind teaching. The Healing Ministry is here to serve you, our congregation, to pray for you through Spiritual Mind treatment. We commit ourselves to daily meditation and treatment in order that we remain conscious of the presence of God in all we think, say and do. We maintain an awareness of the Spiritual identity of every person. So if you have need of prayer to help you through trying times in health, finances, relationships, career or need greater peace of mind and connection to God, or support in your new adventures in life, please call on us for assistance. Every name is held strictly confidential.
Prayer Treatment through the Healing Ministry is available by:
Filling out the form located on the Healing Ministry box in the foyer and placing it in the box.
By calling our office at (310) 540-5080, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Sending a letter to the Center in care of the Healing Ministry with your request.
Rainbow Services (Shelters for Women and Children of Domestic Violence)
Every August we collect school supplies for needy children and deliver them to Rainbow Services to distribute to the children and their families.
Angel Tree
Practitioners coordinate the giving of Christmas gifts to 50 needy families.
Loving Acts of Kindness
We want our members to know that they are cherished and cared for even when they are not able to be at our services. This program embodies the act of giving to others in a deep and meaningful way.